Fake it to Make it

Dependency Management and Build Automation

with Paket and Fake

Russ Cam @forloop

About me

  • Software Engineer at
  • Interested in
    • Distributed systems
    • Cloud computing
    • Message-driven architectures
    • Software Design, Patterns and Practices
  • Say Hi!

In the days before NuGet

~/libs directory

NuGet made referencing a breeze

NuGet Hell is the new DLL Hell


Dependency Manager for .NET and Mono

..designed to work well with NuGet packages and also enables referencing files directly from Git repositories or any HTTP resource. It enables precise and predictable control over what packages the projects within your application reference.

Main Components

  • paket.exe
  • paket.dependencies
  • paket.lock
  • paket.references


in ~/.paket directory in root

.paket\paket.exe --help

add <options>        Adds a new package to your paket.dependencies file
find-refs <options>  Finds all project files with package installed
init <options>       Creates an empty paket.dependencies in working directory
install <options>    Download the dependencies in paket.dependencies or paket.lock
outdated <options>   Lists all dependencies that have newer versions available
remove <options>     Removes package from paket.dependencies and paket.references
restore <options>    Download the dependencies in paket.lock
update <options>     Update one or all dependencies


In solution root

source https://www.nuget.org/api/v2
nuget Newtonsoft.Json 

source https://api.nuget.org/v3/index.json
nuget AsciiDocNet

group build
    source https://www.nuget.org/api/v2
    nuget FAKE
    nuget FSharp.Data
    nuget GitLink prerelease

    source https://www.myget.org/F/xunit/
    nuget xunit.runner.console 2.2.0-beta3-build3330


Generated from paket install

  remote: https://www.nuget.org/api/v2
    AsciiDocNet (1.0.0-alpha3)
    Bogus (7.1.6)
      NETStandard.Library (>= 1.6) - framework: >= netstandard13
      Newtonsoft.Json (>= 9.0.1) - framework: >= net40, >= netstandard13
      System.Linq (>= 4.1) - framework: >= netstandard13
      System.Linq.Expressions (>= 4.1) - framework: >= netstandard13
      System.Reflection (>= 4.1) - framework: >= netstandard13
      System.Reflection.TypeExtensions (>= 4.1) - framework: >= netstandard13
    CsQuery (1.3.4)
    DiffPlex (1.2.1)
    FluentAssertions (4.13)
      NETStandard.Library (>= 1.6) - framework: >= netstandard13
      System.Reflection.TypeExtensions (>= 4.1) - framework: >= netstandard13


In each project


Why Paket?

Predictable control over references

with NuGet

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<package id="Elasticsearch.Net" version="1.9.0" targetFramework="net40" />
<package id="GeoAPI" version="1.7.4" targetFramework="net40" />
<package id="NEST" version="1.9.0" targetFramework="net40" />
<package id="NetTopologySuite" version="1.14" targetFramework="net40" />
<package id="NetTopologySuite.IO.GeoJSON" version="1.14" targetFramework="net40" />
<package id="Newtonsoft.Json" version="9.0.1" targetFramework="net40" />

with Paket


Reference multiple sources

  • Own NuGet server
  • Any HTTP resource

Multiple versions

Same dependency

source https://www.nuget.org/api/v2
nuget Newtonsoft.Json 

group legacy
    source https://www.nuget.org/api/v2
    nuget Newtonsoft.Json 6.0.0

Different framework versions

    <When Condition="$(TargetFrameworkIdentifier) == '.NETFramework' And ($(TargetFrameworkVersion) == 'v2.0' Or $(TargetFrameworkVersion) == 'v3.0')">
        <Reference Include="Newtonsoft.Json">
    <When Condition="$(TargetFrameworkIdentifier) == '.NETFramework' And $(TargetFrameworkVersion) == 'v3.5'">
        <Reference Include="Newtonsoft.Json">

Flagging Delisted packages

let leftpad s n c =
    let l = s |> String.length
    let c' = match c with 
    | None -> "." 
    | Some v -> v
    match l <= n with
        | true -> String.replicate (n-l) c' + s
        | false -> s


"The owner of LeftPad 1.0.0-alpha1 has unlisted the package. This could mean that the package version is deprecated or shouldn't be used anymore."

A global view of your dependencies

What is used where and by whom?

paket.exe why nuget [id]

.paket\paket.exe why nuget Newtonsoft.Json

Paket version 3.30.2
NuGet Newtonsoft.Json is a direct (paket.dependencies) dependency.
It's a part of following dependency chains:

-> Bogus
-> Newtonsoft.Json

Package Dependency Resolution

"Select the latest version for each of the packages in the paket.dependencies file, plus all their transitive dependencies, such that all version constraints are satisfied."

Converting from NuGet to Paket

1. Create .paket dir

mkdir .paket
cd .paket

2. Download paket.bootstrapper.exe

$output = "paket.bootstrapper.exe"
$latestRelease = iwr "https://github.com/fsprojects/Paket/releases/latest"
$baseUri = $latestRelease.BaseResponse.ResponseUri.AbsoluteUri
$uri = "$baseUri/$output"
iwr -Uri $uri -OutFile $output

3. Run the bootstrapper


4. Convert nuget dependencies

.paket\paket.exe convert-from-nuget

5. Simplify dependencies

.paket\paket.exe simplify

6. Profit!

FAKE - F# Make

Build automation for .NET

... is a build automation system with capabilities which are similar to make and rake. It is using an easy domain-specific language (DSL) so that you can start using it without learning F#.

Main Concepts

  • Fake.exe
  • Targets
  • FileSets
  • *Helpers

Install with Paket!

1. Include in paket.dependencies

group build
    source https://www.nuget.org/api/v2
    nuget FAKE

2. install package

.paket\paket.exe install

3. set up F# project

4. Reference FAKE in F# script

#r "build/FAKE/tools/FakeLib.dll"
open Fake 

Define targets

#r "build/FAKE/tools/FakeLib.dll"
open Fake 

Target "Test" <| fun _ ->
	trace "Testing stuff..."

Target "Build" <| fun _ ->
	trace "Building stuff..."

// define the dependencies
   ==> "Build"

RunTargetOrDefault "Build"

Set up a batch script in root

@echo off
REM build <target>

if errorlevel 1 (
  exit /b %errorlevel%
.paket\paket.exe restore
if errorlevel 1 (
  exit /b %errorlevel%
SET TARGET="build"
SET SCRIPT="build\\scripts\\Targets.fsx"
IF NOT [%1]==[] (set TARGET="%1")
ECHO starting build using target=%TARGET%
"packages\build\FAKE\tools\Fake.exe" "%SCRIPT%" "target=%TARGET%"

Include / Exclude files

#r "tools/FAKE/FakeLib.dll"

open Fake

let buildDir  = "./build/"

let appReferences  = 
    !! "src/app/**/*.csproj" 
      ++ "src/app/**/and-this.fsproj"
      -- "src/app/**/but-not-this.csproj" 

Target "BuildApp" (fun _ ->
    MSBuildRelease buildDir "Build" appReferences
        |> Log "AppBuild-Output: "

Heaps of *Helpers!

  • FileSystem / Environment
  • MSBuild.exe / dotnet.exe
  • NUnit / xUnit / SpecFlow
  • Integrations
    • Slack
    • TeamCity
    • Azure Emulator

Putting it all together

Elasticsearch .NET Client build scripts
